Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Science Research Project

Tomarrow I am bringing a chick to class for a science project in general biology. I am trying to see if i can get the chick to think that I am its mother/guardian. I am going to keep it until the end of spring break and by then it should follow me arround everywhere. I am getting the feed and chick from Mr. Moore, my teacher.


A_Band_Geek said...

Aw, was that your chick? I love baby animals! Just as long as they're cute, fuzzy, and small! =]

P.s. Good luck with taking care of the thing

Katiedogg said...

Oh, goody, I think I'll see if I can visit the class tomorrow, too. I love baby chicks, and I would love to help you care for it!

Micaela said...

I want to see the chick! Last year my mom was going to let me get a chick and raise it...but my neighbors would kill me if there was a chick running around and pooping everywhere. I think you can teach it to think you are its mother. Just give it food, and it will come to you! :)

crossoverflash03 said...

Yea man I agree with you.
That's crazy you are bringing a chick to school..but dude that will be cool..you know like in all your classes with you.