Tuesday, March 20, 2007

so i guess what i wrote wasn't good enough

but i do need help about it if you saw it.

I never really realized the way other people think about discrimination, but I DO have a story to tell. When I was in the fourth grade, the twin towers were hit. My whole class drew pictures all day about the people who survived. Before school had started, I went with my brother to go drop off his books at his classroom (he was in the 5th grade). There was this African American girl and a Muslim girl standing there. The African American girl told the Muslim girl "I can't be friends with you anymore because you are a terrorist and you tried to bomb me." I was so offened by this. I am as white as milk is and I could not even believe this. Just because one thing happened doesn't mean every one of that nationality is involved.I hate discrimination. We are all equal. Colors and races don't matter.

true story.
I know it's sad, but it is true.


theBEST_bj said...

That's soo sad:(. I stayed at home the day 9/11 because I had to go to the dentist and I saw it on TV. It was so sad! And the little Muslim girl being discriminated against it just horrible:(.

Technolover said...

Ohw! That's so cute and sad at the same time. It's cute because of the innocence, but sad because of the ignorance.
Lately I've been really thinking about moving. American's suck.

A_Band_Geek said...

Oh my gosh, are you serious? I'm going to start crying now. That's heartless. Oh my gosh... I can't believe that, I mean, not everyone's like that. Not everyone's mean and cruel, and discrimination is just... wrong. There's no other word for it. It's just wrong.

A_Band_Geek said...

TWILIGHT ZONE! I went to the dentist that day too! C-R-E-E-P-Y!

MyFallOutRomance said...

wow. yah. i woke up wondering why the heck there was a plant that kept coming out and running into a tower [[play and replay]]

it is sad. this girl, not the muslim one, but the other one, was so... she knew everything and this wasn't an act of innocence. it was an act of hate.
and yes. let's move to canada.
