Friday, March 23, 2007

To kill a mockingbird.

Okay yesturday I finally finished the book To Kill A Mockingbird.It was really slow and boring at the first but it got alot better the more i read.The last couple of chapters were the best.They were exciting and suspensful.In chapter 28 a man has grabbed Scout and Jem and chases after them and we find out Jem is unconscious and has broken his arm.Also we read that Bob Ewell is lying dead with a knife in his ribs.That is why I think chapter 28 is the best chapter in the book because it is shocking and suspensful.And in chapter 29 we find out that the man who carried Jem home was none other than Boo Radley who never comes out of his house but for some reason he came out to help Scout and Jem.In chapter 30 Atticus argues with Heck Tate that his son Jem must have killed Bob Ewell and he doesnt want Jem to be protected from the law since it couldnt have been just an accident.In the 31 and final chapter Scout realizes " Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough."She suddenly understands Boo Radley and sees things from his perspective.

1 comment:

MyFallOutRomance said...

I agree with you that the end was the best part. It was full of suspense and surprise.

And you should feel lucky because this is the first post I have tried my HomeKeys on before and I am going faster than I used to.