Friday, March 23, 2007


I just noticed what a difference homekeys can do.

Anyways, I have notice something about everybody. Before we read the whole book, we all thought it would be dumb and boring, but now everyone liked it, well, mostly everyone.

I can't read for a grade so it took me a lot of control to read it all, but then it got to the trial scene and I couldn't put the book down. I finished the book yesterday on the bus to my mom's work. It was awesome. My favorite part was thinking through a 7 year old's eyes. It was very new experience for me.

What did you all think of the book?


A_Band_Geek said...

She was 8, but did you skip being a 7 year old? lol Jkjk! =] ILY!

Anyway, it's awesome you finished the book! I LOVE it! Just as long as I don't ever have to read the beginning again. I learned how to put myself in someone else's shoes for a few moments, and it makes a world of difference literally. Ya know? It was a really interesting thing! =D

Technolover said...


A_Band_Geek said...


LOL ILY Technolover!

Colten said...

I don't know how old she was, but it is hard to look through a 7 year old's eyes. That was only 8 years ago, but I can't really remember what it was like. I must be growing up fast. I just hope if I have kids I'll remember what it's like to be a kid.

theBEST_bj said...

Yeah it took me alot to read it too! It didn't interest me for a long time, but I got into it at the end. Like the trial scene and stuff. It was a good book. And everyone stop fighting about how old Scout is! Goodness!

Katie said...

um I dont remember exactly how old Scout is but it doesnt really matter because whether she was 6,7,or 8 she was still a young kid.I really liked the ending of the book like chapters28-31 because they were suprising and suspensful!The begining of the book I didnt like tho because it was boring!It is soo hot in here! Well have a good spring break!

A_Band_Geek said...

In the beginning she says she's 6, and she says when she changes ages, but she's always 4 years younger than Jem. If you remember, Jem is 10 in the beginning when they meet Dill, and the first line is when he was ALMOST 13! So she was 6, 7, and 8 through-out the whole story!