Monday, March 12, 2007

=/ Bad World..

I was looking at the book that I am reading, Divine. And noticed something strange about the cover. It is only a face, no words, no title or author, just a clear face. (This picture to the left is not on my book, i just thought it was neat. ;D) I was wondering why Karen Kingsbury did this...Is she trying to convey the fact that she wants the women she helps to find their identity, or realize that they are a real person instead of someone with no true meaning or purpose in life?

After thinking about that, I opened the book and started reading. I am on the page that talks about how rough most of these womens lives are. How they have no idea where they are going to stay that night, or what they are going to eat. It is very sad! If I lived with that fear everyday, i dont know what i would do! It doesn't even seem real to me that someone couldn't have a home, or food to eat and money to spend. These women don't have any of that, plus the have kids. Not only having to provide for themselves but the kids that they take care of. AND these kids are usually on accident. They were not intended to be born, but their mothers weren't wise enough to correct their mistake.

Reading this book has really opened my eyes to what people that don't have the luxury i do, have to go through. Everyone should read it, but I can't tell you for sure because I am such a slow reader and haven't finished it yet!!

So anyways... Hows everyone?

:D :D :D

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