Monday, March 12, 2007

Keep Your Pants On!

I really like this book so far...not much has happened, but there's been some pretty funny things that have occurred in Ch. 5-7. Scout and Jem keep finding things in the knothole, and Jem and Dill keep leaving Scout out because "she's becoming more like a girl everyday." Those kids had some guts to go up to a creepy house...especially since it resulted in Jem losing his pants and having to lie to Atticus in order to keep from being whipped. I feel bad for Scout because she and Jem seem to be getting farther and farther apart...but at least she has Miss Maudie to confide in. Miss Maudie kinda reminds me of my grandma in a way, but my Grandma was born in the late 20s, so she wouldn't have been as old as Miss Maudie was during the time of the book. I really want to see what happens see ya next time! ;)


A_Band_Geek said...

Yeah, poor Scout. She's so little, and to a girl like her, being called a girl is an insult, you know? If anyone calls me a girl, they regret it later! I get in trouble a lot for getting revenge, but they stop calling me 'girly' and 'little missy'! =]

I always have one of my friends or family to confide in, so I can relate to Scout and Miss Maudie. Wow, my Gramma was born in '55!

omgzitsjenkins said...

it's a really good book.
it's the authors life, basically, in his six or so weeks in rehab for drugs and alcohol.
it's a really good book.
i think everyone would like it :]

m1012 said...

I agree that Scout was pretty much heart broken when her brother and Dill started to say that she was acting like a girl. But I think it is kind of funny how Dill has already told Scout that he is going to marry her, and then kisses her when Jem is not looking. I couldn't help but think about the times that we were all little and were making our first best friends. Do you remember when that first day of school came in kindergarten and 1st grade, pretty much the boy or girl that you set by was your friend? You would play together and when you had a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" you would say or they would say "I'm going to marry you when I grow up!" I couldn't help but think about that when I read this post even though it is about Scout being excluded, but I remember while I was reading this part in the book Scout kept saying how Dill was her fiance and how he kissed her when Jem wasn't looking.

kdizzle16 said...

I remember my first "kiss". It was in preschool and I had a b/f named Nick. Nick had a friend named Matt. We were lining up for naptime, and Matt and I were under the covers. We just pecked on the lips, and then went to naptime. Those were the days...