Friday, March 16, 2007

The Half Blood Prince

I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I really liked this book and would give it a 9 out of 10. In my opinion it is one of the better Harry Potters that J.K. Rowling has written. If you have not read this book and still want to don't keep reading because I am going to give away the ending. From where I left of in my last post the 6th years were learning to appeareate. Harry has been continuing his lessions with Dumbledore. Before Harry can do his last lesson with Dumbledore he has to get a memories from professor Slughorn. Once Harry gets the memories he finds out that prefessor Slughorn taught Voldemort. Tom Riddle (voldemort) asks professor Slughorn about Horcruxes. Slughorn tells him that it is when a wizard kills some one and splits their soul and puts it in a very valuable object and hides it to preserve there soul away from the body making them immortal but inhuman. Tom also asks if it would be a better idea to spit the soul in seven because it was the most powerful number. Slughorn got nervous and said people have only ever attempt to split their soul in two and became very nervous and made sure this was just hypothetical. Dumbledore then tells Harry what he thinks the Harcruxes are such as the diary in Harry Potter and the Camber of Secrets. Harry finds Malfoy in the boys bathroom crying to moaning myrtle. When Malfoy catches Harry spying on him he tries to curse him but Harry is to quick and fires a spell out of the half blood priences book. This causes a deep sword like wound across Malfoys face and chest and becomes unconscious. Snape comes in tells Harry to get his book but Harry hides his book and gives Snape Rons book. Harry then gets detention every Saturday for the rest of the year. Harry misses the final Quidditch match but they still win the cup. Harry and Ginny start going out. Dumbledore and Harry go to find a Horcrux. The go to a cave that Voldemort went to when he was a child. Harry force feeds Dumbledore Poison and then are chased by zombies called Infuri. When they Return to Hogwarts Malfoy has let the Death Eaters into the school. Dumbledore freezes Harry behind a door so he wont be seen. Malfoy explains to Dumbledore how he has been working for Voldemort and how he let the Death Eaters in. He then tells Dumbledore how his mission is to kill him. Dumbledore tries to help Malfoy. Snape gets to Malfoy and when he won't kill Dumbledore he dose it himself. SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE! Harry chases Malfoy and Snape trying to stop them. When they are almost off the grounds Snape tells Harry that he is the Half Blood Prience. Harry then goes to find Hagrid and shows him Dumbledore is dead. He then finds the Horcrux that had fallen out of Dumbledores pocket. There was a note inside that said "To the Dark Lord, I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B." After Dumbledores funeral Harry decides that he isn't going back to Hogwarts but is going to find and destroy Voldemort and Snape. Harry doesn't figure out who R.A.B. is but in the fifth and sixth books they mention Regulus Black, Sirius Black's brother. Regulus was a Death Eater until he was killed for turning on Voldemort. Many people believe this is who R.A.B. is.

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