Friday, March 16, 2007

When I talk, You listen

Yesterday we did the listening etequitte thingy, and here's what i came up with.

1. Eye contact. You cant listen to someone if you're not looking at them.

2. Don't do anything else while the person is talking

3. Take notes if it is a lecture or if the Teacher is talking

4. Smile at them to let them know you're paying attention.

5. Ask questions to let them know you actually care what theyre talking about.

The thing with listening to people is that even if you don't want to hear what they're saying, you should still listen and pay attention to be polite. One time, in speech class, we had to do student congress after school, which is basically where we are congressmen/congresswomen, and we give speeches trying to convince people to vote for a certain bill that is actually being debated on in congress. I was giving one of my speeches, and I saw that one personn was texting, andother was reading, and our student teacher was talking on her cell phone. I could hardly stand it. It was like I wasn't talking to anyone at all, and I was the only one in the room.

don't be like the people in my student congress. Just listen to the person and don't fiddle with your cell phone while theyre talking.

thats all

Beefy manwich

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