Monday, March 12, 2007

Another one on the bandwagon!

Ok, most of you guys are going to think I'm crazy, but I'm not reading just one book. I'm reading three right now, soon to be four. Yes, I have four going at once. They consist of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the Holy Bible, To Kill A Mockingbird, and soon to be Little Women.

Now, I hate how women lived and stuff back in the 1800's, but my Gramma got me Little Women for Christmas and I decided now I'm going to just give it a try... Just a teensy weensy one... If any of you guys have read it, how is it? I'm almost afraid to start reading it, yet I'm going to try!

Alright, I'll give you all a quick over-view of all my books:

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:
It's Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts, but he has a lot to deal with. He has his best friend on the Quidditch (sport played on broomsticks) team, an evil Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, oh yeah, and the safety of the Wizarding (and Muggle ((non-magic folk))) world due to the uprising of a fallen Dark Lord named Voldemort. If you're interested in it, then you have to read the first one first! Then go in order! They're really, really good and the movies are just horrid! The first is the Sorcerer's Stone just for those who don't know lol.

Holy Bible:
Most of you should know...

To Kill A Mockingbird:
I hope you all know!

Little Women:
Unknown to me at this time

So, there ya'll go! Hope you all are doing alright with your books and don't think I'm too nuts! =]


Mrs. Valo♥ said...

now everyone is reading harry potter, i read that one like 4 years ago.

Technolover said...

Bwahahaha! ^-^ Little women? Trust me, not your kind of book. It bored me to DEATH! heh heh. Blech, my opinions on Harry Potter shall be well-stated on this blogspot. I'LL NEVER READ IT! Whahahahaha!
^-^ Anyways, I like the bible one though. Good job!

Beefy Manwich said...

What is a "Bible"? Jk jk

A_Band_Geek said...


Anyway, I read Harry Potter 6 thank you very much. I just wanted to re-read the series because one: I've been behind and I wanted to see exactly how terrible the movies have become and two: The very last one (*tear*) is about to be out on July 21th, so I wanted to re-read it before it did! And I know I did good when reading the bible! You should read it, even if you're religious and christian or not. It's really gorey and I remember the story you told me about the prince and the tree! Gah!

omgzitsjenkins said...

hahhaa @Quinn.
oh yeah, who doesn't know what the bible is? haha. nice.

i'm reading another book besides TKAM, and i would rather not be reading mockingbird.
it's really slow and boring :/