Friday, March 16, 2007

The book finally gets HOT

Mockingbird is really starting to heat up. At first , I thought that this book was really boring(sorry Ms. James), but now that the court case is nearing, it is getting exciting. I really thought there was going to be a fight when those men came to the jailhouse that night when Jem and Scout snook out, but I guess there wasn't one, because the men didn't want to do violent acts in front of the kids.

That would have made the scene awesome, but it is still probably my favorite scene of the book, because it was filled with suspense. Anyway, im glad the book is getting good, and I hope that it gets even better.

By the way, Georgetown won their first round match. Ballin' ! all the way, baby, all the way.

see ya'll latur,

Beefy Manwich


MyFallOutRomance said...

jeez. i'm not even there yet.


Colten said...

This book is getting a lot better. The only thing that its missing is I haven't heard about Boo Radley in a long time. The story seems to have moved away from him, when is he going to come back in?

Laura Stevens said...

mm.. so your deff. realllllly far up there.
But where im reading its totally awsome. I thought this book would be all bore, and not fun at all with no violence. But it has a lot of interesting suprises. LIke i had nooo idead that Dill was going to come back, in fact i wasn't even thinking that Dill would even be brought back into the story. But i was wrong. I also thought that Atticus's involment with black people wasnt that big of a deal. But apparently it is!! I really just hate their aunt. She's totally snotty and prissy. I hate that in people.

what else have you thought was interestin in this book?

kdizzle16 said...

It's amazing how you went from being way behind to ahead of me in the book. And 'snook' is either 'snuck' or 'sneaked'.

P.S.My sister is NOT dumb:)