Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I'm moving!

No not really. But I wanted to blog today about kids who have to move and switch schools alot. The free write Mrs. James made us do this afternoon made me think about it. I've moved SO many times. I moved to 5 different states before I was 18 months. That wasn't even the end of it! We've managed to stay in Springfield for a while now though. And I like it. I lived in Bolivar and in Fair Play. I liked it there. I lived in Iowa too for a long time. It's weird because I have more friends in all those places now than I did when I lived there. I really really wouldn't mind living in Des Moines, Iowa again. I know alot of cool people up there. But it would also suck having to move so far away. Have any of you moved anywhere far from home recently? I don't think I could do it! There is no way I could leave my house, friends, and boyfriend! I've grown so close to everybody here and I HATE change. Meeting new people wouldn't be too hard, but still! I don't want to meet new people! I like the people I'm friends with now. And everyone knows that long distance relationships, even friendships, never last :(! Well I guess that is all I have to say is that if you have recently moved and your old enough to actually understand what's going on, then more power too ya! That takes alot of heart and power to leave everyone behind! Have a nice day!


kaybee395 said...

pointelss comment,

but i love you.


A_Band_Geek said...

I've moved a lot also. Lucky that Scout hasn't had to move at all. I've lived in 17 houses in 14 years... How depressing is that? I have like, no childhood memories except for a few from when I was in Kindergarten. There are more as I grow older, but I only remember like two or three from Kindergarten...

So, anyway, how are you liking the book so far? (Just to put it on the subject of Mockingbird!)