Wednesday, March 14, 2007

*sigh* Just another one of those days.

I am having one of those days where nothing goes right and you just want to cry. I can't really explain it, but I can say that this really sucks. First, I found out that there are rumors out that I like this guy, but he is simply only my friend. I hate rumors, especially when they are about me. On top of that, I feel like my mom only forgets about me when she's not yelling at me. Today, I asked her to get my photo album on her lunch break, but she forgot about me until I called her later. She promised me she would bring it because it was for school. If it wasn't for school, shoe probably wouldn't have even considered it. I am practically invisible when I am not doing something wrong or when I'm not being yelled at for any random event. She makes me feel like [insert bad word here] and it really hurts. I just wish that I could be perfect.

In To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout loved Calpurnia even though she yells at her and disciplines her. Cal and Scout have this friendship, so to say, that is unleavable. I am jealous of that. I am jealous of anyone who had a mother or a father that they can bond with., my dad doesn't live anywhere near me and my mom... well, you know the story.

I wish I had a mother figure like Scout does.


Mrs. Valo♥ said...
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Mrs. Valo♥ said...
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Mrs. Valo♥ said...

Well at least you have a dad!

kdizzle16 said...

I'm kind of having one of those days too. My stepmom and I do NOT get along, and she yells at me for random stuff too. This morning, I was running late, and I had to go get a new ID. It felt like it took forever, and then I had to get upstairs to my class because the two-minute bell already rang. I was running up the stairs, and fell flat on my face right in front of these really hot last I got to class, and on time, too. I know this isn't as serious as what you may be feeling, but just know that you're not alone. Everyone has those days...

A_Band_Geek said...

Aww, MyFallOutRomance! I'm sorry that you have such bad luck around your family! =[ It makes me sad for you. My parents were all hyper yesterday, and that makes me feel like I have an Atticus/ Uncle Jack- like father. He's sweet and kind, but he can jump to conclusions on occasion.

I hope that your mom becomes a mother-figure like Scout has! =]

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

My mom is worse than that. Im not gonna go into much detale because i might get her in trouble.

MyFallOutRomance said...

@Mrs.Valo:I know, I do have a dad, but it's not like i ever see him but once a year for about a month. that's it. All because my mom took me away.
@kdizzle: oh wow. that's really suck. how hot were they?? =D
@band geek: yah. you've got family. my family consists of ravaging beasts who wouldn't give a rip if i died.

omgzitsjenkins said...

well, this may not be what you guys are really talking about, but me and my parents fight constantly.
never anything abusive, but we just don't get along, and i wish we did :/

MyFallOutRomance said...

I wish i could just grow up and move out.
at least your parents are still married.

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

At lest your fights arent abussive.

omgzitsjenkins said...

i wish i could move away, too.
somewhere far away.
like Texas.

anyone wanna come?

Technolover said...

You guys depress me...

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

Naa, I'm goin to Finland.

MyFallOutRomance said...

i know what it feels like to be abused so don't even give me that. and yes, i know how it can tear up a family, but what i am saying is that people's lives always have bad days and it's not very fair to anyone. who gets parents and who doesn't. I don't wanna o to Texas. i wanna go to Cslifornia. I love Cali. or Washington.

omgzitsjenkins said...

well, i think Texas is a nice place.
close to the ocean, or the gulf, or whatever.
hahaah, i don't even know :P

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

Well you started the post.