Friday, March 16, 2007

Southern Snob

I thought it was cool that Scout and Jem got to go to Calpurnia's church, First Purchase, and come to the realization that she leads a "double life"; one the Finch family's housekeeper, the other "having command of two languages" (well-educated and 'colored').

However, I thought it very rude of Aunt Alexandra that she even suggested to Atticus that something needed to be done about "her". Although she may be proper, Aunt Alexandra is very snobbish with her "More Holy Than Thou" attitude. She's so - I don't even know how to describe her - the way she talks about everyone in Maycomb and blames certain characteristics on their heredity. If I were Scout, Aunt Alexandra would have gotten a piece of my mind and I would have begged Atticus to ask her to leave. I'm kind of behind in reading (Ch.14), so that's as far as I've gotten.


omgzitsjenkins said...

yeah, i agree. i would just like to walk right on up to Aunt A. and start yelling at her! and who knows..i might even punch her!
i really don't like her.

i also think it was WAYYYY out of her place to tell Scout that she couldn't go to Calpurnia's house.
Calpurnia's amazing, and loves Scout like a daughter. Nothing bad would happen to her.

Colten said...

Aunt Alexandra likes to condemn people before the crime. She blames things on this families "drinking streak," or that families "gambling streak."

glamorousnpink said...

hi thanx for the comment you make the little hearts by typing & hearts ; but u have to put it all together like ♥ and it makes a heart likt the one above. bye see ya later. bye the way i know who you are!♥

kdizzle16 said...

Um...could you give me step-by-step instructions please, cuz I still don't get it? Guess what?! I don't know who you are...but could you give me a hint :)