Friday, March 9, 2007

Schools From Back When

I really liked this picture when i saw it, because even though it probably does not show the worst, it shows how grateful these kids were to be able to go to school.

A lot of them probably had hand-me-downs, and had probably never gotten a new pair of clothing. I really like how one of the girls are running up the steps into the school house. Who knows if she is trully eager to go to school or what, but I believe that it is an example for us to not take anything for granted.

School for us is just an everyday thing, but for them it usually ment that their parents had enough money to hier help so their kids would not have to stay at home and work instead of getting an education.

When I first looked at this picture, I noticed all of the trees around it. The whole schoolyard was surrouned with them. I was thinking of how we drive to school and it probably only takes most of at the most 25 to 30 minutes, probably not even that. But these kids all walked to school and they probably did not live right next door. They probably lived a mile or more away.

This picture also reminded me a little bit of To Kill A Mockingbird. It reminded me of this book, because many of the kids who went to school did not have shoes, and some like Walter Cunningham had hookworms because of it. Whick is nothing that we experience in school.

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