Thursday, March 8, 2007

to kill a mockingbird is...

not my kinda book.
I hate to say this but i just can't get into it.
i need to find another way to read it.

And i have a few questions about.

1. Why do they call their dad, Atticus?

2. Or is he even their dad?

3. How is the narraor chick?
(She seems reall smart for a first grader.)

4. What is up with that Boo kid?


Technolover said...

Yo! Okay, I love this book. Anyhoo, to answer your questions: They call their dad Atticus because that's his name. Some kids call their parents by their first name. And for the second question, yes he is their dad. The narrator, Scout, is the average age for a first grader. She's just intelligent. And finally, Boo is probably mentally ill or just a juvenile delinquint. ^-^

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

Yeah I dont like the book much either.

1.)I think they call thier dad Atticus, because maybe back then thats how you informed your parents.

2.)Im not sure yet

3.)Well because her and her father read everynight.

4.) well the boo kid and his family dont belive in enjoy life or whatever. What I read was that they think its a sin to have plesure/happiness in life.

Colten said...

I like the book so far. Because the narrator was very far ahead at a young age she reminded me of myself. It took me a long time to finally figure out she was a girl. The way she acted, punching other kids and hanging out with her brother in the treehouse, I thought she was a boy.

MyFallOutRomance said...

I am also having a hard time understanding this book. the vocabulary is like, big word here, big word there. yeesh.

I remember when I was in the first grade, I was smarter than the majority of my class. But what was funny is that when i was in first, i was supposed to be in K. cuz i'm young.

Maybe she's like me and is just vewwwy vewwy smart. ha. but does she need a dictionary?