Monday, March 5, 2007

Only a few more months.

I haven't seen my dad since around July and I miss him and my brother so bad that it makes me cry to read this book. In The Truth About Forever, Macy's dad had died and she talks about her time about a year and a half after his death. If my dad died, it'd be really hard for me to even think about the word: spaghetti. My dad mad the best spaghetti in the world, i promise. If he died, I wouldn't be able to eat anything Italian without crying.
My Dad still lives in California and I only see him in the summer. I miss him so badly right now because I am reorganizing my bedroom and I found my photo album. Most of it has the last vacation i took when I lived in California. We went to Disneyland, the ocean, Lake Tahoe, and Hollywood. In the book, Macy comes across many packages that her dad was a gold member for. She stored all of the boxes in the attic.
Macy and I both do the same thing, but in different ways. I have a shelf in my bedroom of everything my dad has bought me since my 10th birthday. It includes a Digital Camera, a picture of my Nana and him, a broken locket of him and my Nana, the candle he bought for me at my Nana's funeral, and even a rock he grabbed for me from this levee near his "mobile home", he doesn't want people to call them trailers. I am holding back tears even typing this. I have never out loud said that I have missed him because i have to pretend, especially around my mom, that i could care less. Macy, in the book, did the same thing. she held it in so long that both her and her mom were overcome by it.
I relate the that book even though my daddy is still alive.
I highly suggest reading The Truth About Forever because it is so easy to relate to it.
~~Mrs. Michael Way <3

1 comment:

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

I relate to this book because I've never had a dad, and i kinda wish i did during my childhood. But my mom's husbands or boyfriends or whatever, they try to be my father, but there is never going to be anyone ever to be my fatherly figure.