Friday, March 9, 2007

♣I would ♥ to kill the book To Kill A Mockingbird!!!!♣

I can not stand this book im sorry Ms. James. This book i can not read because firrst the font and text of this book is way too small! Second this book is not in the genre i like to read. The genre i like to read is fantasy, mystery, teen, dating, etc. etc.

The book is so little with all these tiny words that it is confusing. Maybe if the author or somebody could rewrite this book so that teens and people in general could read it more easier! Sorry if you can't read this i decided to use different colors so it could look nifty. I don't know what im supposed to do but i can not read this book. Im going to have to go to the library and find a book with bigger font size and structure!

I read some summaries and so far and i think this is what happening. In chapter one Scout talks about her town and they meet Dill who tells them about Boo Radley a littlle boy who is kinda emootionally disturbed and stabbed his father and was abused etc. etc. Well everyone says that he has not left his house since after his father died and he lives with his brother Nathan Radley.

Dill dares one of the kids to touch Boo's house and they do it. Chapter 2 Scout's first day of school. Scout does not like the first day of school and she doesn't want to go back again. Scout says her teacher doesn't know how to teach and that she criticizes how scout can read only in the first grade. Also Walter her classmate has no lunch money and the teacher wants to give him a quarter for lunch but
but he refuses because he knows he can never replace what she gives him. Also he gets scout in trouble.

Later on the Finch family invites Walter over for dinner and he has a nice meal while scout complains about his manners and gets in trouble by Calpurnia. Thats all i know? Some help please! Luv Ya ♥

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