Friday, March 9, 2007

To kill a mocking bird

I am goin to start chapter 6 of to kill a mockingbird.So far it has just kind of told about the characters and what they do.I figured out Jem and Scout are brother and sister and Atticus is the dad.I alos figure out that Dill comes back every summer and plays with Jem and Scout.The book is a little confusing though because the kids call there parents by there first names and it's hard to tell who is there mom and dad.I can't really figure out Boo Radley[Arthur]. Pretty much every character has his or her own opinion and story about Boo.Some of the people said Boo was a ghost by now since he has lived in the house for one hundred years and never came out but some people think he just likes his privacy and decides to stay alone in the house so i don't really know if he is alive or dead or what is really happening with him.Ialso don't get why the teacher told Scout to stop reading.Since she is only in first grade she must be smart since she can read on her own already so why would the teacher want her to stop reading and learning?Thats pretty much where I am at right now with the book but so far I think its kind of boring because not much happens.

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