Monday, March 5, 2007

26 Things About Me

1. I had black curly hair till I was 2.
2. I broke my collar bone in a car crash.
3. I have long toes.
4. I threw a rock at my cousin and blamed it on my other cousin ( never confessed to my parents)
5. I lived in Puerto Rico for 3 years.
6. I won the spelling bee in 2nd grade.
7. I used to be deathly afraid of dress-up characters in real life like Santa, Chucky Cheese etc.
8. my right foot is longer than my left foot
9. my grandparents own a stable so I used to own 4 horses and still interested in them.
10. My childhood fear was alligators under my bed.
11. I love to read!!! Have read a 400 page book in a day.
12. I crashed my grandma’s car in a field with some friends and my cousins.
13. I went 3 weeks without drinking soda.
14. My 1st day at Caribbean School I went to my class and everyone started speaking Spanish so I started crying and had to leave. It was sad.
15. I had to act out a play all in Spanish for a project called “Don Quijote” and at the very end I yelled “oh my god, I did it!!” before the curtains closed in front of everyone.
16. I’ve ran into an ATM machine sprinting.
17. I pushed a boy off the slide into a mud puddle at recess in 1st grade.
18. My lucky numbers are 6, and 18.
19. I lived in republic till I was 4 years old.
20. I have 2 step-sisters.
21. I love to swim.
22. I love music. I listen to it ALL the time.
23. My nervous habbit is biting my nails.
24. I don’t know how to wink.
25. I have 2 Siberian huskies. One is all white and his name is napoleon, and the other one is Zarra, she black and white. Both have pretty blue eyes!
26. I’ve scuba Dived before


Technolover said...

Oh my gosh! I love huskies! ^-^

omgzitsjenkins said...

hahaha. ATM Machine?
That seems like something you would do :P

A_Band_Geek said...

Wow... vicious child. Haha, I'm talking about the chucking the rock at your cousin. I love my cousins! They're all precious angels! =]

What would she (or he) have done to cause a rock being thrown at them? And how big was the rock? Woah... I still can't imagine that. I guess that not everyones' cousins are that... nice... Not meaning you! Hehe, I meant the cousin you have. I'm going to stop babbling now, so yeah!

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

I have never remembered anything that i have done and then blamed it on someone else.

A_Band_Geek said...

And of course I forgot to comment about the one thing I wanted to in the first place. Good going me. I was going to say that the spanish acting thing would be something I'd do! That's funny! You actually shouted that at the end? I would pay anything in the world to have been able to do that!