Friday, March 9, 2007

SO sad =//

In class today, we looked at pictures. For such an easy activity, it was very depressing. All the people in the pictures looked worn down, tired, hurt and ready to give up.

I found a picture of an old man around 70, in what looked like an old moldy shed. He was worn to the bone with a mustached and un-groomed hair. I felt so sorry for him. Then i started thinking, what if I had lived back in that time? I would not have survived more that a year without electricity and running water.

It really makes you think about how lucky you are to live like we do.

If i could ask the photographer about the picture he took, i would say, "Where was this photo taken?" "How well was the old man holding up?" and "How long did it look like he would be around for?" It breaks my heart to see people like this old man. No one deserves to live poor and in pain.

More later.

Have a GREAT weekend everyone... I know i will :D


A_Band_Geek said...

That picture's really, really depressing... I feel sorry for the man. He looks almost like my grandpa... Maybe he's like my great great great great great grandpa or something! lol Just kidding...kidding...

I'm not kidding, however, when I say that's a depressing picture. Can you imagine... Almost everyone in that time lived like that. If I didn't have my internet for a year, I would absolutely die! Thank the high Heavens for books though! Wait... you'd need a light for that, wouldn't you...

The_Prodigy said...

Wow it looks like this guy didnt have it too well for himself. I wonder if he actually lived in whatever he is in. I agree when u say that noone deserves to live like this. I cant imagine to live in a time like that where it seemed so much harder to make a living.