Monday, March 5, 2007

Velocity. BAM.

Velocity. What an amazing book. It is part suspense/thriller, part mystery, part murder book, part awesome. Basically the story line is a bartender, just a regular joe, and BAM, he is thrown in to a mess he definetely didn't want to get in.

One night after his shift at the bar, he gets fo his car, and on the winshield, a note is stuck that says "If you don't take this note to the police and get them involved, i will kill a lovely blond schoolteacher somewhere in Napa County. If you do take this note to the police, I will instead kill and elderly woman active in charity work. YOu have six hours to decide. The choice is yours."

He thinks it is just a joke, but when the next day he finds another note on his winshield with another decision, and he seeson the news that a blond school teacher was killed the night before, he is plunged into a ride that he will never forget, if he even survives. Searching for the author of the notes while making decision after decision on who's life to spare and who whe madman will victimize next, this book will grab you by the throat and pull you in, and it will make you look over your shoulder when walking alone at night, because you never know whos watching.

I my self find myself looking over my shoulder, making sure nobody is there, because i feel part of the book and i feel a great connection with the characters. Dean Koontz is a great thriller writer, and this book is no exception to that. Hurry now, and get Velocity, before it gets you.

but seriously, this book is amazing. Get it now.

reader of the greatest book EVER,

beefy manwich.


Ashley said...

Hi, I have a question for you. How do you put the different color texts in the blog?

Micaela said...

Okay, now I know what your book is about even though you wouldn't let me read the inside cover during class. It does seem like a really good book. And now I understand why you said that you keep on looking over your shoulder, if I were to read this book I would most likely do the same thing.